Test Taking Tips
Test Taking Tips
Prepare physically
Eat a well-balanced meal before taking the test. That way you will have energy to think clearly. Last minute cramming doesn’t help as much as having a well-fed mind. -
Prepare mentally
Get plenty of sleep the night before the test. One advantage you can give yourself is to be calm and well-rested. -
Arrive early
Be at the testing center 15 to 20 minutes before the starting time. Keep in mind that many testing centers refuse to admit latecomers. -
Think positively
Tell yourself you will do well. If you have studied and prepared, you should succeed. -
Practice test taking
Use practice tests to understand your test- taking strengths and weaknesses. Try using different strategies for studying, such as skimming questions. -
Dress comfortably
Be prepared for a room that is too hot or too cold. Bring a jacket or sweater. -
Know your time limit
If you know how much time you will have on each section, you should be able to pace yourself. -
Have a strategy
Read the questions carefully; reread it if you have trouble understanding what is asked. -
Take half a minute or so several times during the test to stretch and breathe deeply, especially if you are feeling anxious. -
Read carefully
Be sure you understand the test instructions. If you have questions about filling in the form, ask before testing begins. -
Skip difficult questions
Answer the easier questions first. If you have time, go back and answer the rest. If you skip a question, be sure to skip the same number on your answer sheet. -
Answer every question
When you finish answering the questions you know, go back and review the ones you don’t. If you’re not sure, try eliminating some possibilities and choose from the remaining choices.